Open Palm vs. Closed Fist

In the delicate act of holding a feather, we are presented with a profound metaphor for life itself. We can clasp it tightly within a closed fist or cradle it gently in the open palm of our hand. Each approach reflects a unique philosophy.

The closed fist represents our instinct to cling to what we cherish, to shield it from the unpredictable wind of change. It's an act of guarding, protecting, and controlling. We often do this out of fear or the desire for certainty and assurance. But, as we clench our fists, we inadvertently obscure the very beauty of what we hold. And what’s more, life rarely conforms to our demands for control. 

Now consider the open palm. Instead of tightly gripping what we hold dear, we can choose to support it gently. This posture embodies a sense of trust, letting go, and embracing the idea that things may come and go as they please. In acknowledging the vulnerability and unpredictability of life we also leave ourselves open to the surprise of joy.

The same duality extends to our financial mindset. Financial stress often arises from our insatiable desire for control and our need to shape our lives according to our will. But life rarely goes according to plan. We may experience seasons of plenty and periods of uncertainty and change, yet if we cling too tightly to our own expectations of how our lives should be or will be, we are likely to miss the joys that can be found within each season of life. 

While I aspire to this level of openhandedness, I confess that it’s not my default mindset. And yet I admire those whose lives reflect this openhandedness, and I am grateful for the moments of peace and joy that seem to appear when I loosen my grip. 

Check out my most recent article, Rethinking Monte Carlo Simulations for a specific instance of where our desire for certainty actually produces anxiety and can lead us to chase the wrong goals.

Colin Page, CFP®

Colin Page is the founder of Oakleigh Wealth Services, financial planning and wealth management firm in Charlottesville, VA. He meets with local clients in person or virtually with clients across the country.

Colin specializes in helping mid-career professionals and busy families align their time and money with what they value most.

For more information, check out Oakleigh’s approach and services page.

What Issues Should I Consider Before the End of the Year?


Rethinking Monte Carlo Simulations